Italian Fashion


Gran Sasso - with true Made in Italy authenticity at its heart.

From the foundations of a small family business, Maglificio Gran Sasso has emerged as an iconic International label with true Made in Italy authenticity at its heart.
Driven and inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit of four brothers Nello, Eraldo, Alceo and Francesco Di Stefano, the journey began back in 1952 in the small Italian village of Sant’Egidio alla Vibrata, south of the border between Marche and Abruzzo.

Gran Sasso combines the finest quality cashmere fibre with the skill of traditional craftsmen to create the world’s finest quality cashmere yarn.

Finest cashmere yarn is made from the world’s finest quality cashmere fibre that originates from goats living in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. Rigorous testing and quality control are built into every aspect of manufacturing. Grand Sasso cashmere suppliers check each individual bale for impurities, colour, micron thickness and length. It is the control of these factors that determines the handling and supreme quality of the finished product.

Brand: Gran Sasso

Location: Italy

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